
So yeah

I'm watching Office Space, and I'm not Michael Bolton. I'm not a Michael Bolton fan either. Although, when I was little I was fond of his flowy, blond locks. Whatever.

The new Ryan Adams is good. "Two" is just one of those songs. Adams's vocals are like being stabbed with a paring knife and then having it twisted between your ribs and then really liking it. Yes John Cougar Mellencamp, it hurts so good. "Two Hearts" is my second favorite. I wish there were more state references; I like whenever Adams picks a southern state to sing about, namely Tennessee or a Carolina. Overall, I guess the album's not insanely impressive, but I still like it. When I first listened to "Halloweenhead," I literally yelped "DOUBLE YOU TEE EFF!" But I have to admit, that song's growing on me like fungi in a dark, murky corner. "Halloweenhead" is completely stupid, but kind of endearing? A halloweenhead is a pumpkin head, at least that's what I've decided. It reminds me of Nightmare Before Christmas, although I know Jack Skellington was in fact a skeleton and not a pumpkin-headed, terribly attractive alt-country alleged asshole.

1 comment:

becktronbexbecky said...

Yeah, I noticed, but the music's too good to let "420" get me down. It's just not important in the scheme of the record.